Carolina Biological Supply Company Student Guide Veterinary: A Design Flaw In Horse Hind Limb Anatomy Skeleton?

Veterinary: A design flaw in horse hind limb anatomy skeleton? - carolina biological supply company student guide

It is a model of the skeleton and bones of the hind legs of a horse show in my class at University Laboratory of Veterinary Anatomy. It was made by Carolina Biological Supply Company years ago. It is a design flaw in this model. Who knows what happened to the faulty design, please?


ladyren said...

I have not seen the model, so I can not say sorry for the standard design.

But horses are born with "design" mistake .... ie, things that tell their anatomy that predispose to arthritic problems, which, if deficiencies are not there, so they are free of arthritis.

The horses were bred in terms of people, to athletes. Nothing in the conformation of the hind legs are uneven, this can create excessive wear on joints. You can (cow hocks and sickle hocks search in the limbs of the horse.) And pretend lameness in horses, the mechanical and biological, James R. Rooney (a great book ..... Pennsylvania and lameness in horses in the texts of the books in the FP-med. If you write trouble finding these books. My e-mail is not blocked.

Sabbath said...

we have to see first,

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